Lupus butterfly Rash
Lupus is an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system attacks its own healthy cells causing inflammation and damage to the tissues. Lupus is medically called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
The condition is more common in women than men, but men's symptoms are more severe than that of women. One of the early lupus symptoms is butterfly rash. It is primarily found on the face, but the rash could also be found in other parts of the body. (1, 2, and 3)
The rashes are red and raised and resemble a disc-shaped lesion. Exposure to the extreme heat of the sun can further aggravate the rash. The severity of the rash primarily depends on the nature of lupus and the extent of exposure to the rays of the sun.Those with mild lupus have a bluish-like rash while people with moderate to severe lupus have scales formation on the affected parts of the body. (3, 4, and 5)
The condition is more common in women than men, but men's symptoms are more severe than that of women. One of the early lupus symptoms is butterfly rash. It is primarily found on the face, but the rash could also be found in other parts of the body. (1, 2, and 3)
picture 1: A woman with a butterfly rash on the face.
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Lupus Rash
A butterfly lupus rash is a tell-tale sign of lupus. The rash is all over the cheeks and the bridge of the nose. The butterfly rash is present in nearly half of the total population of patients with lupus. aside from the face, lupus rash can also be seen on the patient's chest, back, and extremities. In the medical world, a lupus rash is called malar rash.The rashes are red and raised and resemble a disc-shaped lesion. Exposure to the extreme heat of the sun can further aggravate the rash. The severity of the rash primarily depends on the nature of lupus and the extent of exposure to the rays of the sun.Those with mild lupus have a bluish-like rash while people with moderate to severe lupus have scales formation on the affected parts of the body. (3, 4, and 5)
- Discoid lupus rash
It is a red, patchy rash that can lead to scarring when not treated properly.
- photosensitivity rash
The type of rash a lupus patient gets when exposed to the extreme heat of the sun. (5, 6)
picture 4: A lupus rash on the patient's chest.
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picture 6: A lupus rash causes itching and pain.
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picture 7: A lupus rash on the patient's extremities.
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Does lupus rash itch and burn?
Lupus rashes cause pain and itching sensation. It causes discomfort, especially during a flare-up. They do not just affect the skin, but also other parts of the body such as the joints, kidneys, and urinary tract. A severe malar rash may trigger convulsions and seizures too. Hence, it is of utmost importance to manage the rash the moment it appears before things get worst. (5, 6, and 7)
picture 8: A lupus rash is also known as malar rash.
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How long does lupus butterfly rash on face last?
The rashes on the face and other parts of the body usually last for a week. However, in severe cases, the rash can last for a month or so. Severe cases of lupus rash can leave a permanent mark on the skin.Lupus rash treatment
The skin of patients with lupus is highly sensitive. Anything you put on it may aggravate the condition. Hence, it is important to consult a dermatologist before putting anything on the patient's skin. Some of the commonly used treatments for butterfly rash on the face and other body parts include the following:- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
They can significantly alleviate pain caused by lupus rash and helps prevent recurrence.
- Steroidal creams
They help reduce inflammation and alleviate itching too.
- Sunscreen lotions
If your skin is extremely sensitive to the rays of the sun, then you should apply sunscreen lotions. Make sure that the SPF is more than 30 so that you will get the optimum protection from the harmful rays of the sun. (7, 8, and 9)
Lupus butterfly rash treatment at home
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- Apply essential oil such as olive oil, virgin coconut oil, and vitamin E oil.
- Avoid exposure to the extreme heat of the sun.
- Stay away from pesticides, silica, and mercury as they can further aggravate your condition.
- Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep and rest.
- Eat a well-balanced meal. (6, 8, 9, and 10)