Saturday 25 November 2017

Bed Bug Rash Pictures

What are bed bugs? 

They are small insects that feed on blood. They hide in dark places such as under the bed where they can crawl and thrive. Don't you know that bed bugs can be present even in the cleanest home? So, do not be surprised if you notice bed bugs in your home. (1, 2, and 3)

Bed Bug Rash Pictures

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What are bed bugs? They are small insects that feed on blood. They hide in dark places such as under the bed where they can crawl and thrive. Don't you know that bed bugs can be present even in the cleanest home? So, do not be surprised if you notice bed bugs in your home. (1, 2, and 3)

How to tell if you have bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small creatures that feed on blood for a source of nutrition. A telltale sign that you have bed bugs include:

  • blood spots on bed sheets
  • bed bug feces
  • cast skin (4)
The bed bug rashes are found on parts of the body that are exposed during sleep such as face, neck, hands, arms, shoulders, and legs. (3, 4)

Bed bug bite symptoms

What does a bed bug rash look like? Bed bug bites look flat and small. Some bites are raised and may become itchy and inflamed. The rashes can turn red and blistered. Take note that bed bug bites do not easily manifest after you are bitten by bed bugs.

It would take a few days for the rashes to appear. If you notice unusual rashes, you should refrain from scratching them or else the rashes become infected. If this happens, you have to immediately contact a medical professional. (5, 6, and 7)

Bed bug bites vs mosquito bites

What is the difference between a bed bug bite and mosquito bite? The two are very similar and so it is important to know their differences. Mosquito bites instantly manifest the moment you are bitten by a mosquito.

A bed bug bite usually takes a few days before the rashes appear. Mosquito bites may look puffy white and reddish bumps. Mosquito bites are quite painful and irritating. They are also itchy and may leave a pink mark on the skin. As with the healing time, mosquito bites heal easily than bed bug bites. (4, 5)

How long do bed bug bites last?

On the average, it would take one to two weeks for the bed bug bites to completely disappear. If you have a sensitive skin, it could take around three weeks to recover from bed bug bites. (7)

Bed bugs bites treatment

There are tons of bed bug rash treatment. There are over the counter treatments, home remedies, and prescription medications. Mild bed bug bites and rashes can be treated at home. However, if the bites are infected, it would require prescription medications. Hospitalization is rare and will only happen if there are secondary infections.

If you have plenty of bites, then you need to see your dermatologist, especially if there are blisters, pain, inflammation, and secondary infection. (5, 6, and 7)

Over the counter remedies for bed bug bites include taking an antihistamine to alleviate itching and discomfort. Other treatment methods include:
  • Washing the affected part of the skin with soap and water to prevent skin irritation.
  • You might want to apply corticosteroid cream. Mild forms of the cream can be purchased over the counter. However, stronger corticosteroid cream requires doctor's prescription. (2, 4, and 5)